Wednesday, December 21, 2011

In the cloud or on the school network? Which is best [Nalan]

I think online dictionaries on the school network are useful resources for language learning because they can be used in several different ways.  For example, a search box for an online dictionary can be added to a class or school blog so that students have access to the dictionary anytime, anywhere to look up the meaning of a new word. This would give the students flexibility while studying. Likewise, links to online dictionaries on the school website could also be a useful resource for students. Apart from these, CD-ROM dictionaries can also be loaded onto the computers in the self-study centres for student use. To sum up, I think online dictionaries on the school network is better because it provides easy access to students whereas  online dictionaries in the cloud  is not user-friendly because a separate page needs to be opened each time the student wants to use a dictionary.

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